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Friday, May 29, 2009


This tiny girl is wearing what's called a "Power Jacket", which is an inflatable exokeleton that weighs only four pounds.

Japanese electronics giant Matsushita Electric Industrial unveils the prototype model for a "power jacket" to help patients recover from partial paralysis during rehabilitation, at the Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition in Tokyo.

This appears to be made by the same folks that did the Muscle Therapy Jacket last year, and looks much more compact (although less sci-fi) than the Inflatable Exoskeleton by Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi. By the way, for those of you who want to get ahold of this for your paralized loved ones, the cost is likely to be about US $17,000 or 2 million yen, although I cannot sell you one so please don't contact me. Seriously, I have no inflatable robotic suits to sell, and all the info I know about them is contained within this article.

baju robotik

Manusia robot selama ini hanya ada di film-film. Namun ternyata, para ilmuwan dan teknisi banyak juga yang berusaha mewujudkannya dalam dunia nyata. Harapannya, selain akan membantu menambah kemampuan manusia dalam beberapa hal, tentunya robot yang menyatu dengan manusia akan membawa kebaikan, misalnya untuk membantu orang cacat.

Soal robot ini, Amerika dan Jepang sepertinya bersaing ketat. Termasuk dalam upayanya membuat baju robot. Di negara adidaya AS, sebuah lembaga riset pertahanan DARPA sedang mengembangkan baju robot yang diberi nama Sarcos XOS Exoskeleton. Baju robot tersebut dirancang dengan kekuatan yang sangat luar biasa, nyaris seperti robot yang ada di film-film fiksi.

Dengan mengenakan baju robot tersebut, pemakainya dapat menggendong kawan dengan mudah. Bahkan, si pemakai bisa mengangkat beban hingga ratusan kilogram dengan satu tangan saja. Kemampuan ini berkat kerja lengan robot yang bekerja simultan dengan gerakan tangan sehingga menghasilkan kekuatan berlipat ganda.

Sistem kerja robot ini yaitu dengan memanfaatkan sensor yang ditanam di lengan robot. Sensor ini yang menyinkronkan gerakan tangan dengan sistem komputer yang didisain khusus untuk memerintahkan mesin tersebut untuk melakukan gerakan yang sama.

Sedangkan di Jepang, mereka baru saja mengenalkan teknologi serupa bernama Hybrid Assistive limb (HAL) Exoskeleton. Prinsip kerjanya pun hampir sama yaitu dengan mengandalkan sensor-sensor yang berhubungan dengan tangan si pemakai. Gerakan otot dideteksi dari aliran biolistrik yang mengalir di permukaan kulit saat tangan digerakkan. Kemudian, perubahan ini akan dikirim ke komputer yang akan menerjemahkan sinyal untuk menggerakkan kaki maupun lengan robot.

honda robot

Honda proudly showed off a robot which could be controlled by human thought alone yesterday.

Honda Research Institute in Japan along with its collaborators; Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) and Shimadzu Corporation claimed to have developed the world’s first ‘Brain Machine Interface’ (BMI) technology that uses electroencephalography (EEG) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology along with newly developed information extraction technology to enable control of a robot by human thought alone. The technology could one day be applied to car functions, allowing for the effortless opening of the car boot or turning on the heating.

The technology requires absolutely no physical movement such as pressing buttons to operate. During the human thought process, slight electrical current and blood flow change occur in the brain. The most important factor in the development of the BMI technology is the accuracy of measuring and analyzing these changes. The newly developed BMI technology uses EEG, which measures changes in electrical potential on the scalp, and NIRS, which measures changes in cerebral blood flow, with a newly developed information extraction technology which enables statistical processing of the complex information from these two types of sensors. As a result, it became possible to distinguish brain activities with high precision without any physical motion, but just human thought alone.

The BMI technology announced by HRI-JP and ATR in 2006 used a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner to measure brain activities. The large size and powerful magnetic field generated by the fMRI scanner limited the locations and conditions where it can be used. As the newly developed measuring device uses EEG and NIRS sensors, it can be transported to and used in various locations.

The tests of the technology required a user to were a helmet with the EEG and NIRS sensors installed. Then, one of four pre-determined body part options is provided to the user. The user imagines moving that body part without making any physical movement. Changes in both brain waves and cerebral blood flow triggered by the brain activity are measured simultaneously. The data obtained are analyzed on a real-time basis to distinguish what the user imagined. Upon receiving the result, Honda’s ASIMO humanoid robot makes corresponding movements such as raising its arm or leg. The world’s highest level accuracy rate of more than 90 per cent was achieved in the tests.

Since 2005, Honda and ATR have been conducting research and development of BMI technology exploring the potential of a new interface which connects people and machines. Honda is looking into the possibility of applying this technology to a people-friendly human interface through integration with other technologies such as artificial intelligence technologies and/or robotics technologies. In May 2006, Honda and ATR successfully developed a BMI technology which utilizes a fMRI scanner and achieved the first success in the world to control a robot hand by decoding brain activities without electrode array implants or special training of the user.

hybrid car

A multi-disciplinary faculty-student project is underway to develop a plug in diesel-electric hybrid vehicle. The project is aimed at creating a retrofit kit to convert existing autos to hybrid operation. The base vehicle being used is an older Volkswagen Jetta. The project is a sophisticated blend of mechanical, electrical, and computer systems engineering.

To create a hybrid from the conventional internal combustion drivetrain, mechanical engineering students developed a way to move the transaxle and engine several inches to allow space for an electric clutch and timing belt pulley. The timing belt directly connects an electric motor to the transaxle while the diesel engine is connected to the transaxle through the electric clutch. This allows the electric motor or the diesel engine to be used independently or in conjunction depending upon operating requirements. While this is a simple concept, there are many technical challenges, including designing a mechanical system that can retrofitted into the limited space of an existing chassis, and developing a flexible and robust control system that can sense and respond to a wide range of operating conditions.

The project is a practical, real-world challenge that if successful would offer a proof-of-concept platform for a low-cost alternative for obtaining a hybrid vehicle. Results so far indicate that the system will be successful. In addition to its ultimate success, the project reflects OIT’s and OREC’s practical, hands-on sensibility and the goal of putting engineers into the work place with awareness and knowledge of renewable energy.

Bio-Diesel Production Plant Automation

Another multi-disciplinary project nearing successful completion is automating a small-scale bio-diesel production plant. While technology for bio-diesel production is proven, small-scale plants such as would be used on farms, in small businesses, and by individuals are batch operations in which the ingredients are added and the bio-diesel is produced over approximately a 96-hour period requiring frequent intervention by the user, e.g., to take measurements, open and close valves, monitor fluid levels. The goal of this project is to develop a simple, failsafe automation system that will allow a small producer to simply add ingredients, push a button, and have biodiesel in four days without further intervention.

While small-scale bio-diesel plants are common, this automation project appears to be unique. It is a interesting technical challenge involving expertise from students in several disciplines: mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, and computer systems engineering. The project is in its initial test phase and appears to be a success. Students are looking at wider potential applications involving creating a national, internet-based bio-diesel supply system connecting producers and users

aero electric car

With the resurgence of electric vehicle mania, but with costs for these vehicles still high relative to their gasoline counterparts, much of the focus on these cars in America has been in high-end (and costly) sports cars. Considering the requirements of a great speed demon, it’s little wonder electric is catching on so fast. I know I’m not the only one looking at converting my gasoline powered car to electric, and many car companies like Shelby are doing the same.

Shelby Supercars plans to trump the current electric salivation leader, Tesla Motors, with their own Ultimate Aero EV. It is said to be faster than any other electric car on the market with a whopping 500 horsepower motor. It’s definitely getting a lot of hype and publicity, with its sleek looks and it’s base on the world record holding Ultimate Aero (which broke the world record for fastest production car at 256.18mph).

The Aero EV will have the same chasis of the exotic “SuperCar” and will use a 373kW electric motor. The new drive train will feature “a revolutionary power source allowing for extended time between charging intervals, with the possibility of several years between charging,” according to Shelby. With electric design guru Tony Stark on the project, I guess anything is possible.

Prototypes will be unveiled in February with production rolling off the line by December of 2009.

Whatever the hype and seemingly far-fetched claims, the cars are very cool, sleek, and could possibly break the electric propulsion record. It’s likely they’ll be as unattainable as the Tesla or any of the high-end, high price tag vehicles we love to salivate over, but it’s worth dreaming about.

Kind of makes my electric conversion plans for my Toyota pickup look lame, though. Maybe I’ll paint it white and put speed stripes on it to feel better…

wind car

Dale Vince, who you’ll remember we talked about not too long ago regarding his wind-powered sports car concept, has made another video to update people on the car’s progress so far. Still no name for the car yet, but apparently “Mojo” is the favorite right now.

This supercar concept is based on a Lotus Exige, but Vince spends some time in this video detailing how he’s going to change the body work and also some time attacking hydrogen. I guess he’s run out of ammunition against Tesla, so he needs a new whipping post for his marketing efforts.

It should be noted that Vince is CEO of the UK’s largest wind power generation firm and that this car is not likely to see production, but is mainly Vince’s pet project.

Compresses Air To Run Vehicles

if you want to know technology and automotif in the future you can ask me in my blog

One of our local correspondent met with the founder of MDI, Guy Negre, and interviewed him and his team about his famous compressed air vehicles, CAV. What we found was an interesting fellow with ingenious solutions, backed by a dedicated team and financially supported by Tata.

The gist is that powering a vehicle with compressed air might sound far out but until we sat in it and actually drove, we never expected the technology performed that well. In a nutshell, the CAV uses compressed air in tanks that delivers air to a piston engine which propels the CAV.

History. MDI was founded in 1991 whose aim was to develop zero pollution engines. Guy Negre has designed about a hundred engines, and the idea is to promote and develop ecological energies with zero-pollution vehicles and systems.

Developing CAVs. Located in sunny south of France in Carros, MDI feverishly works on new technologies and innovative production methods. The fifty, or so engineers and technicians work on the compressed air vehicles, now with the support of Tata Motors who became the exclusive licensee for their technologies in India.

The road wasn’t always easy and the company has attracted an unwarranted share of detractors, mostly in France. Here are some of their important dates:

1996 creation of the first Compressed Air engines (1st generation).
1998 Creation of the first compressed air, cars, namely the Green Taxi. Picture below.
1999 “MDIs Industrial concept”
2001 Dual-energy technology - “stop and go” piston
2002 Presentation of the MiniCATs at the‘Mondial de l’auto’
2003 New thermodynamic cycle (active chamber)
2005 Creation of the “cold combustion” cycle.
2007 Signature of the TATA Motors agreement – Development of the OneCATS
2008 Development of the OneCATS and preparation of the Model factory
2009 Launching of the OneCATS

Test Driving An AirPod. Test driving the famous AirPod was unlike anything. It gave us an opportunity to take a closer look at the technology. To quote our corespondent: “I’ve driven a lot of cars and tested prototypes, but nothing prepared me for this. It’s all fly-by-wire, makes some noise when starting, is fairly quiet at speed and best part of it all, it only exhausts cold air.” It’s hard not to get excited reading this.

The compressed air engine has a lot of kick and the steering is no different than playing on a video game with a joy stick. We feel the new generation will have no problems driving these types of vehicles. For the rest of us, it’s all with your right hand. Maybe this is what pilots experienced going from Boeing to Airbus.

Considering the platform has two propelling wheels behind and two smaller ones in front for steering, the ride is smooth and stable. Shorter than a Smart ForTwo, with its pivotal front axle, it can turn around itself. Pressing the accelerator pedal unleashed the compressed air and the engine sounded like an old two-stroke starting, but after that, it was fairly quiet.


Our Thoughts. We were very impressed not only with the technology that went into using air to power a car. It’s no wonder he has scared a few who lobbied an opposition. None the less, his technology could well serve many transport scenario. It’s not hard to see what far reaching consequences MDI’s compress air technology. Fleets with heavy stop and go traffic, such as the postal office would greatly benefit from this. They could need is to install an air compressor and tank, and voila. And in order to further lower electricity consumption, solar panels and wind turbines could be used to power the compressor, making these cars truly non-polluting.


After fourteen years of research and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century, and boy does our enviornment need it!

Negre’s MDI has recently struck a deal with Tata Motors, India's largest automobile manufacturer, who will use his CAT (compressed air technology) motor for usage in a line of cars. Tata has already struck distribution deals for the air car with Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Panama.

These cars will use compressed air to drive its pistons. Re-fueling, if it can be called that will be as simple as stopping at an compressed air station where you can refuel for as little as $2.

According to Tata, the car will be able to reach a maximum speed of 68 miles per hour and will be able to travel roughly 125 miles per air refill.

air car

After ten years of research and development of pollution-free engines and cars powered by compressed air, MDI launches Compressed Air Technology systems © : C.A.T's ©(*). The Series 34 CAT´s engines can be equipped with and run on dual energies - fossil fuels and compressed air - maintaining a zero-pollution emission in the city at speeds up to 60 km/h.

mobil harimau tercepat kelas a

Inilah Harimau tercepat di dunia. Kemampuannya, mobil ini bisa berlari dengan kecepatan maksimum 300 km/jam. Sprint 0-100 km/jam hanya 3,5 detik, sementara 0-200 km/jam, 10,4 detik. Saat ini, Si Harimau lagi ‘mejeng’ di arena Geneve Motor Show 2009 dan cukup mendapatkan perhatian dari berbagai media otomotif di seluruh dunia. Maklum, Si Harimau adalah hasil karya terbaru kolaborasi antara rumah desain terkenal asal Italia, Italdesign Giugiaro, dan Frazer-Nash ahli teknologi hibrida dan elektronik dari Inggris.

Nama Arab

Nama asli Si Harimau adalah Giugiaro Namir. Menurut Italdesign, kata namir berasal dari Arab yang berarti harimau. Karena itulah, mobil ini dilabur dengan warna oranye terang. Hanya belang hitamnya tidak ada. Meski begitu, agar unsur warna hitam harimau tetap ada, Italdesign menghitamkan bagian tertentu. Misalnya, kaca depan, kaca pintu, velg, dan gril radiator. Dengan kondisi seperti itu, Italdesign dan Frazer-Nash mantap menamakannya Namir alias Harimau.

Untuk menarik banyak orang melirik supersport hibrida ini, Italdesign Giugiaro menghimpun sejumlah fitur dengan unsur elegan, kekar, agresif, tetapi garis-garis bodinya tetap lentur. Fitur lain dari coupe dua tempat duduk ini adalah teknologi canggih dan estetika.

“Teknologi canggihnya adalah sistem kelistrikan dan elektronik avant-garde yang dibungkus dengan kemasan agresif berupa desain bodi dengan penampilan agresif,” komentar Fabrizio Giugiaro, Wakil Presdir dan Direktur Style Italdesign yang juga adalah putra Giorgetto Giugiaro, pendiri Italdesign.

Dari sumber tenaga, Harimau hibrida ini agak berbeda dibandingkan dengan versi yang sudah ada. Sistem hibridanya terdiri dari mesin rotari endothermic 814 cc dan empat motor listrik. Dengan kombinasi tersebut, konsumsi bahan bakar supercar ini—menurut—39 km/liter. Irit banget! Tak lupa dicantumkan emisi karbon dioksidanya hanya 60 gram/km.

Sarang Lebah

Untuk menyelesaikan proyek Harimau hibrida ini, Frazer-Nash bertugas menentukan jenis bahan bakar yang digunakan, roda, dan sistem pemindah daya. Adapun para ahli dan perancang dari Italdesign "dieksploitasi" menciptakan interior, perencanaan, rekayasa, dan teknologi yang akan diaplikasikan.

Struktur Namir terdiri dari sasis monokok yang dipasang pada serat karbon dengan panel berstruktur sarang lebah. Dengan teknologi ini, bobot bodi hanya 110 kg. Meski begitu, kekuatannya tetap kokoh dan menjamin pengemudi dan penumpang di dalamnya aman bila terjadi tabrakan.

Untuk memindahkan tenaga roda, hibrida seri ini menggunakan sistem 4 x 4 dengan diferensial digital. Mesin rotari berbahan bakar bensin disandingkan dengan generator untuk mengisi baterai lithium-ion polymer. Dengan tambahan dua motor listrik yang dipasang di roda depan dan belakang, total tenaga yang dihasilkan 270 kW atau 370 PS.

Tangki bahan bakar berkapasitas 50 liter disatukan pada sasis yang berada di bawah jok penumpang. Dengan tangki berisi penuh, mobil ini bisa digunakan untuk menjelejah sejauh sejauh 2.000 km.

Peranti lunak yang digunakan pada mobil ini dapat mengatur pembagian tenaga pada penggerak mobil sesuai dengan kebutuhan, kondisi mengemudi, dan lingkungan. Tambahan lain dari mobil ini adalah ABS, cruise control, dan kontrol stabilitas.

Layar Sentuh

Bagian tengah yang membentuk huruf V dibuat dari serat karbon yang dicetak dalam satu potong. Komponen bodi lainnya yang dicat dengan warna oranye menggunakan aluminium.

Tambahan lain adalah panel surya yang ditugaskan sebagai sumber energi untuk mengatifkan AC di dalam mobil. Estetika mobil tampak ketika semua pintu ditutup: kaca memanjang dari kap mesin sampai ke belakang pengemudi dan kepala penumpang. Lantas, turun ke samping pintu yang membuka dengan gaya gunting.

Penampilan makin keren dengan velg OZ 20 inci, 245/40 di depan, 275/40 belakang dari Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta. Untuk penerangan, digunakan lampu bi-xenon. Adapun di belakang, lampu sein, belakang, dan rem semua tipe LED, berada dalam satu kotak. Namun, warnanya berbeda.

Untuk interior, Italdesign mengusung konsep minimalis. Tujuannya, untuk menciptakan kelegaan buat pengemudi dan penumpang. Sistem kontrol dan informasi yang ditayangkan pada tiga monitor sentuh merupakan hasil kreativitas dan keahlian Italdesign Giugiaro dengan kehebatan Frazer-Nash di bidang elektronik.

Tiga layar monitor sentuh dipasang di belakang setir heksagonal. Pada layar ini terdapat perintah atau tombol untuk infotainment, informasi GPS, hi-fi, AC, informasi teknis seperti pengisian baterai, jumlah bahan bakar, suhu interior, eksterior, dan pesan-pesan peringatan lainnya.

Ada fitur menarik lain pada interior. Untuk mengoperasikan cruise control, lampu eksterior, penghapus kaca, dan kaca spion, cukup dengan sentuhan ujung jari. Semua itu, membuat Harimau hasil kolaborasi Italia dan Inggris ini pantas dijuluki sebagai konsep supercar modern.


Panjang : 4.560mm

Tinggi : 1.186 mm

Lebar : 1.972 mm

Celah terendah : 115 mm

Jarak sumbu roda : 2.630 mm


Ban depan : 245/40R20

Ban belakang : 275/40R20

Velg depan : 8,5 x 20

Velg belakang : 10 x 20

Berat : 1450 kg

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dj portable

Produk terbaru dari Tonium Laboratories asal Swedia ini bakal menjadi favorit para disk jockey (DJ). Namanya Pacemaker, sebuah piranti DJ portabel berlayar TFT 45 milimeter dengan kedalaman 262.000 warna, serta berat hanya 200 gram. Begitu kecilnya sampai-sampai muat di saku celana.

Dalam sebuah pesta, Pacemaker dapat digunakan secara wireless di sebuah lounge eksklusif. Tidak hanya digunakan untuk DJ pemula, Pacemaker juga dapat membantu para DJ profesional.

Seperti layaknya fungsi set up DJ Profesional, Pacemaker memungkinkan dua lagi dimainkan secara simultan. Aplikasi lunda di dalamnya secara otomatis menyesuaikan BPM (beats per minute) di setiap lagu, memungkinkan seorang DJ dengan cepat memadu beat dan nge-mix lagu. Alat ini juga sangat kompatibel dengan PC atau Mac, serta dapat memutar hampir semua format file audio mulai dari MP3, WAV, AAC, OGG, hingga FLAC.

"Kami dekat ke musik serta membuat mereka lebih kreatif dalam bereskpresi," ujar founder Tonium, Jonas Norberg.

Sebagai paket tambahan, dalam pembelian disertakan pula software pacemaker Editor. Aplikasi itu dapat digunakan untuk memainkan alat musik, mengedit atau mixing. Hasil mix dari Pacemaker juga bisa langsung diunduh ke harddrive.

Memori internal Pacemaker lumayan besar, sekira 60 gigabyte dan 120 gigabyte. Spesifikasi lengkapnya antara lain kabel USD2.0, kabel stereo amplifier, mendukung frekuensi 2- hingga 20.000 hz, equalizer, dua crossfader dan fasilitas unduh langsung ke harddrive. Alat tersebut mulai dipasarkan dua hingga 3 bulan ke depan dengan harga USD550.

Friday, May 22, 2009

motorcyle with one wheel

Invented by an 18 year old from Canada - Ben Gulak , the UNO is a one wheel motorcycle that truly balances out. Right now there are 3 working prototypes. It only has one switch which is the power switch! To go forward you push your body weight forward to tilt the machine. To back up, just lean back. The farther you lean the faster it goes. Whats more is that this bike is electric so its more eco friendly.

Check out this article on the design of it on Motorcylcemojo. Ben had some help from a few companies after selling his idea to them, but all they really did is give him some of the necessary components like the body, wheels, and the complex gyros to balance the cycle…

solar motorcyle

It won’t have a modern motorcycle style, but if you think that a solar powered motorcycle can run for 80km and reach a maximum speed of 112 km/hr, it’s not so bad. And then style is not really at the heart of this argument.

This model is called the Prometheus and it was sent to us by the guys at Designed by Prometheus Solar LLC and shown at the Alt Car Expo in Santa Monica (alternative cars show), this motorcycle runs off four big solar panels, strategically placed.

The Prometheus adopts lithium phosphate batteries of 4.6 kWh and is connceted to an electric Perm PMG 132 engine from Thunderstruck Motors.


BANYAKNYA kecelakaan transportasi yang disebabkan human error serta tingginya tingkat kemacetan di koto-kota besar mendorong sebuah perusahaan di Inggris menciptakan moda transportasi masa depan sebagai solusi. Alat transportasi ini akan meminimalisasi kecelakaan yang disebabkan manusia, karena dikemudikan secara otomatis melalui komputer. Kendaraan yang diberi nama Podcars atau PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) nantinya akan berjalan di rel khusus, mirip monorail atau subway. Menurut Jacob Robert, Presiden Connect Ithaca, grup perencana dan pembangunan, kini saatnya mendesain sebuah kota untuk manusia, bukan untuk kendaraan. "Podcars adalah sebuah ciptaan yang sempurna, merupakan gabungan antara privasi dan otonomi era automobile dengan aspek transportasi publik, yang tentunya ramah lingkungan," ujar Robert di depan mahasiswa New York College saat membentuk komunitas Podcar pertama di Amerika Serikat (AS). Selain itu, Robert mengatakan krisis minyak bumi membuat podcar akan menjadi idola baru alat transportasi massal. Podcar, yang dikendarakan secara otomatis, diharapkan mampu menguraikan kemacetan, karena alat transportasi ini bebas dari lampu lintas. Rencananya, pembangunan seluruh infrastruktur Pordcar akan dimulai paling lambat pada 2010. Sekarang ini, Podcar hanya dipakai sebatas untuk bagian dari wisata saja, karena Podcar yang sekarang hanya mampu menampung kurang dari 10 penumpang. Banyak warga yang sudah mencoba Podcar, terlihat gembira menaiki inovasi terbaru di bidang transportasi ini. "Cara kerja Podcars tak berbeda jauh seperti eskalator,namun Podcar berjalan horisontal," tambah Roberts. Tahun depan, Bandara Heathrow di London akan mencoba sistem Podcar ini di tempat mereka. Selanjutnya, perusahaan di Swedia, Polandia, dan Korea, telah siap mengoperasikan Podcar ini di rel untuk diuji coba. Bahkan, Podcar telah dirancang di Kota Masdar, Abu Dhabi. Jika rencana tersebut berjalan sesuai rencana, maka kota tersebut akan menjadi tempat pertama di dunia menggunakan alat transportasi yang tidak mengeluarkan karbon sama sekali

Antro solo

Biasanya dunia otomotif menjadi dunianya Jerman, Amerika dan Jepang. Kali ini beritanya tidak datang dari negara-negara tersebut, melainkan dari Hongaria, sebuah negara yang tidak mempunyai tradisi di bidang otomotif. Konsep yang diusungnya adalah ”green car”.

Antro Solo, nama mobil masa depan ini bekerja dengan campuran tenaga solar, manusia dan elektrik. Bukan sebuah fenomena baru memang, tapi yang ditawarkannya cukup menarik, yaitu penggunaan bahan bakar yang efisien, dimana satu galonnya (1 galon = 3,785 liter) dapat menempuh jarak hingga 150 mil.

Berbahan serat karbon, Antro Solo mempunyai bobot hanya 270 kg. Bobot yang enteng ini memungkinkan efisiensi bahan bakar menjadi lebih maksimal lagi. Jika biasanya kendaraan hybrid kurang mumpuni dalam hal kecepatan, Antro Solo cukup bisa diandalkan karena mampu berjalan dengan kecepatan hingga 87 mil per jam atau sekitar 140 km/ jam.

Bagian atasnya dipasang panel surya untuk menangkap energi dan menyimpannya di baterai yang dapat digunakan untuk berjalan sejauh 15-25 km. Jika kehabisan tenaga, maka tenaga cadangan akan dikeluarkan. Tenaga itu adalah tenaga manusia. Di bawah jok penumpang disediakan pedal untuk menggerakkan generator mesin. Jika penumpangnya merasa capek dan malas menggenjot pedal, maka mobil ini masih dapat berjalan dengan menggunakan bahan bakar minyak atau ethanol.

Diproduksi massal pada tahun 2012, Antro Solo akan dijual dengan harga sekitar $20.000.

loop peugeot green car

Loop, is a concept car of Peugeot, by designer Abhinav Dapke, has been designed with a totally “green” mindset. The Loop takes sunlight as the secondary source of its power.

The roof of this concept car spreads along the entire body length, which is to maximize space for a solar panel to collect solar energy from the sun. The primary power source of this car is actually a rechargeable lithium battery located at the rear of the vehicle. The car is also said to be built with eco-friendly materials but the designer has not given any detailed information what materials are used.

A gangway feel is provided between the two rows of seats. And you’ll also find semi-circular bags along this gangway. Furthermore it comes with options for storage, interaction, entertainment etc, providing the users with greater flexibility and ease of use.

There is also space reserved for having your indoor plant there. Which lets you have more “green” feel, an intention that is to bring outdoor into the interior and gets you a good sense of natural surroundings.

The car is also to be equipped with a high-tech camera, embedded within the passenger windows, which is meant for the users to capture anything interesting that is seen on the road. Simply a touch on the window, the camera will start capturing those interesting scenes for you.

three wheeled green car

Trev is a three-wheeled environmentally friendly car, a product out of several years of effort by the students at the University of South Australia. Trev is ideal as a commuter vehicle. It consumes only 1/5 of the energy required by a conventional car, which relies on electricity as the only power source. Trev weighs only 595 pounds, has two seats only and can drive up to 93 city miles without having to be recharged.

Trev is equipped with only two seats as it’s meant for urban use, as most urban trips are made with one or two people in the car. The top speed of the Trev is only 75 MPH, which seems to be pretty limited for urban trips. Anyway, it’s still a prototype, which still has couple of rooms for improvement.

mobil udara

mobil udara ini adalah revolusi dari mobil darat, disamping itu mobil ini pun memiliki keuntungan dan kerugia salah satu keuntungannya yaitu ; mengurangi kemacetan kota-kota didunia maupun di indonesia namunmobil ini membutuhkan kira-kira 6oo meteran untuk dapat lepas landas , dengan mulus dan membutuhkan kira-kira 200 hingga 310 meter agar dapat mendarat dengan baik dan bahan bakarnya pun begitu ramah llingkungan yaitu menggunakan gas/udara dan mampu bertahan hingga puluhan jam.

Baling-baling yang digunakan saat mode terbang akan tersimpan dan terkunci aman ketika sedang menggunakan mode darat. Untuk menyimpannya, tidak butuh ruang sebesar hanggar. Transition dapat disimpan di garasi rumah karena sayapnya dapat dilipat.

Dengan dimensi tinggi 2,1 meter, lebar 2 meter, dan panjang 5,7 meter setelah dilipat, Transition jadi lebih kecil dibandingkan SUV ukuran besar, seperti Cadillac Escalade atau Lincoln Navigator. Namun, tidak sembarang orang bisa memesan kendaraan ini. Syaratnya, harus punya lisensi pilot.Mau lihat test drivenya? Silakan lihat dulu situs pabriknya atau lihat videonya di YouTube.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nuclear materials detection technology wins national award

In the United States, tens of thousands of cargo containers – most the size of a railcar – enter the country every day through one of 93 maritime ports. Each container holds a surplus of products ranging from clothing to plasma televisions to medical equipment bound for places such as superstores and hospitals.

But since Sept. 11, 2001, concerns have been raised about how best to prevent dangerous materials or contraband items from being smuggled into the country alongside the millions of imported goods. In particular, homeland security and law enforcement professionals are most concerned about the potential for illicit radiological materials to make their way into the country through shipping ports.

The traditional counterproliferation approach has been to develop and implement a massive cargo screening program with the lofty goal of inspecting every cargo container being off-loaded on the dock. But this approach has been problematic, mainly due to the limited technical advances in screening technology and the time it takes to scan each container.

In addition, new concerns about the worldwide availability of nuclear materials and technology, combined with a rise in global terrorist operations, have likely increased the risk of a domestic nuclear attack. Nonproliferation experts claim a greater emphasis is needed on detecting nuclear materials before they enter or come near the 95,000-mile maritime border of the United States.

INL's Solution

To address this growing challenge, scientists and engineers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory have developed an award-winning prototype technology capable of accurately scanning cargo containers for smuggled and shielded nuclear materials at long distances.

The technology, developed by INL scientist Dr. James Jones and a team of INL and Idaho Accelerator Center engineers, is known as the Photonuclear Inspection and Threat Assessment System, or PITAS.

The system uses many of the same commercial components found in modern cancer treatment devices, including a linear accelerator that creates an invisible high-energy photon beam, which interrogates and identifies suspected nuclear materials. The beam works by inducing fission reactions in nuclear materials that create an assortment of prompt and delayed neutron and gamma rays. The delayed rays are analyzed by a series of detectors that looks for peaks and signatures consistent with illicit nuclear materials.

With PITAS in operation, security officials have the ability to scan cargo containers and detect dangerous nuclear materials while ships are still at sea.

And since the PITAS technology was designed to detect and alert operators to nuclear materials that have been covertly shielded, radiological dangers such as plutonium, uranium or thorium are distinguished during detection from simple medical or household items that often contain trace radioactive elements.

This added capability reduces common false positives and performs cargo scanning more efficiently. In addition, the technology was built to complete this entire process in several minutes and leave no residual environmental impact.

Award-Winning Technology

This week, the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation awarded its 2008 Homeland Security Award to recognize the PITAS technology for its numerous enhancements and advantages over current screening technology.

The Foundation and its co-sponsor, AgustaWestland North America, annually award one scientist a $25,000 prize for development of technology that has the potential to solve a complex national security challenge.

in announcing the recognition, Kimberly Owens, chair of the foundation, said, "Thousands of tons of cargo move through U.S. ports daily with little or no inspection. The Christopher Columbus Foundation and AgustaWestland are pleased to recognize Dr. Jones and his team for their work on the development of a nuclear materials detection system to facilitate the inspection of cargo containers for illicit nuclear material."

The Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation is an independent federal agency established by Congress in 1992 to encourage and support the development of technology that benefits mankind. The foundation's board and members of the award selection committee are presidential appointees. AugustaWestland North America, Inc. is one of the nation's largest manufacturers of law enforcement and military helicopters.

"As a lifelong scientist and inventor, I have been very fortunate to have worked on technology like the PITAS system that has the potential to save lives and combat terrorism," said Jones. "This is something that the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation and AgustaWestland North America has recognized, and I am honored to accept this award."

In September, the PITAS technology was field tested in a realistic environment for its accuracy, range, and detection time. While the results are still being analyzed, one thing is certain, the PITAS technology represents a breakthrough homeland security solution.

The award's ceremony will take place the evening of Thursday, Sept. 11, in the U.S. Capitol Building.

mesin uap (penyebaran tebu( Saccharum officinarum) )

Tebu, Saccharum officinarum L, memiliki sejarah yang panjang sebagai komoditas pertanian komersial. Tebu diperkirakan berasal dari Papua dan mulai dibudidayakan sejak tahun 8000 sebelum masehi (SM). Tanaman ini kemudian menyebar ke berbagai tempat di dunia seiring dengan migrasi manusia, menyeberangi lautan dan mengarungi daratan. Tebu dari Papua menyebar ke kepulauan Solomon, New Hebride dan Kaledonia Baru.

Alkisah dua orang nelayan di Kepulauan Polinesia menemukan potongan batang tebu tersangkut di jaring ikan mereka. Salah seorang nelayan kemudian melemparkan batang tersebut ke darat karena mengira itu adalah potongan batang kayu biasa yang tidak berguna. Beberapa hari kemudian mereka melihat tunas-tunas muncul dan memanjang dari batang tersebut, yang kemudian diketahui sebagai tebu. Setelah itu, tanaman tebu berkembang di berbagai lokasi di Polinesia.

Dua abad kemudian tebu masuk ke wilayah Indonesia tengah dan barat, Philipina, serta bagian barat India. Gula kasar pernah diproduksi di India antara 400 SM hingga tahun 700 M (Masehi). Dari India, tebu dibawa ke China. Di China nira tebu dijemur matahari membentuk padatan yang disebut madu batu. Tahun 500 M tebu mulai memasuki Persia. Saat itu tebu dipakai sebagai pemanis pengganti madu dalam makanan dan minumam. Penyebaran tebu dari Persia ke wilayah yang lebih luas diawali oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW tahun 632 M atau sesaat sebelum beliau wafat ke berbagai wilayah khususnya Jazirah Arab. Tahun 710 M tebu masuk ke Mesir dan selanjutnya menyebar ke Maroko, Suriah, Mediterania, Madeira, dan pulau Canary. Dari Maroko, tanaman tebu menyebar ke Spanyol pada 755 M dan ke Sisilia tahun 950 M.

Buku resep atau Nimmatnamah yang ditulis dalam bahasa Perisia (1495-1505) oleh seseorang yang dipersembahkan kepada Sultan Mandu, Ghiyas-ud-din Khalji. Teks di atas menjelaskan tentang Kheer atau puding susu dan Kheema atau potongan daging berbumbu serta sapi yang menyusui anaknya. Teks di sebelah kanan merupakan saran agar diperoleh susu sapi yang sangat manis dan cocok untuk untuk pembuatan Kheer, maka sapi harus dipilih dengan baik serta dipakani tebu selama beberapa minggu sebelum susunya diperah (Sumber: Brithish Library).

Sekitar tahun 1493 Columbus membawa tebu dari pulau Canary ke Republik Dominika. Ini merupakan langkah awal penyebaran tebu di benua Amerika. Kurun 1500-1700 tanaman tebu menyebar ke daratan Amerika, Meksiko, Brazil dan Peru, kemudian ke Mauritius, Reunion dan Hawai. Tahun 1800-an, tebu mulai dikenal di Australia, Fiji dan Afrika Selatan.

Di Jawa, tanaman tebu diperkirakan sudah sejak lama dibudidayakan, yaitu pada zaman Aji Saka sekitar tahun 75 M. Perantau China, I Tsing, mencatat bahwa tahun 895 M gula yang berasal dari tebu dan nira kelapa telah diperdagangkan di Nusantara. Namun, berdasarkan catatan Marcopolo hingga abad ke-12 di Jawa belum berkembang industri gula seperti yang ada di Cina dan India. Kedatangan orang Eropa, terutama orang Belanda, pada abad 17 membawa perubahan pada perkembangan tanaman tebu dan industri gula di Jawa.

Pada awal abad ke-17 industri gula berdiri di sekitar selatan Batavia, yang dikelola oleh orang-orang China bersama para pejabat VOC. Pengolahan gula saat itu berjalan dengan proses yang sederhana. Sebagai gilingan digunakan dua buah selinder kayu yang diletakkan berhimpitan kemudian diputar dengan tenaga hewan (kerbau) atau manusia. Tebu dimasukkan diantara kedua selinder, kemudian nira yang keluar ditampung dalam suatu bejana besar yang terdapat di bawah gilingan. Pada saat panen tebu, “PG sederhana” ini bisa dipindahkan mendekati kebun.

Pada pertengahan abad XVII telah dilakukan ekspor gula ke Eropa yang berasal dari 130 pengolahan gula (PG tradisional) di Jawa. Seiring dengan perjalanan sejarah, jumlah PG di Jawa turun naik berfluktuasi. Ketika India mulai melakukan ekspor gula ke Eropa, industri gula Jawa mengalami persaingan ketat sehingga beberapa diantaranya tutup. Pada tahun 1745 di Jawa tersisa 65 PG, tahun 1750 bertambah menjadi 80 PG, kemudian akhir abad XVIII menyusut kembali menjadi 55 PG. Fluktuasi ini diduga berkaitan dengan perubahan kondisi lingkungan sekitar Batavia yang tidak lagi kondusif untuk budidaya tebu atau mungkin berkaitan dengan kesulitan permodalan.

Pada awal abad XIX, industri gula yang lebih modern yang dikelola orang-orang Eropa mulai bermunculan. PG modern pertama didirikan di daerah Pamanukan (Subang) dan Besuki (Jawa Timur). Akan tetapi, PG tersebut tidak bertahan lama dan mengalami kebangkrutan yang diduga akibat masalah perburuhan dan ketersediaan lahan sawah untuk tebu yang terbatas. Di Pamanukan, investor gula harus membuka lahan-lahan sawah baru yang butuh modal besar karena lahan sawah yang sudah ada diprioritaskan untuk padi.

Kurun waktu berikutnya industri gula Jawa mulai menggeliat bangkit seiring dengan diberlakukannya Cultuurstelsel oleh van den Bosch. Liberalisasi industri gula Jawa dipasung. Semua aktivitas ekonomi (perdagangan gula) swasta dilarang dan dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah kolonial Belanda. Pada tahun 1830 Bosch mengembangkan penanaman tebu di daerah pantura Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, yang dikelola secara profesional. Sebagian besar perusahaan keluarga diserahkan kepada para manajer profesional. Modal didukung oleh Javasche Bank, sedangkan manajemen inti dipegang orang-orang Eropa. Usaha-usaha penetrasi pasar dilakukan pemerintah Belanda melalui regulasi impor gula dengan memberikan potongan 15 gulden untuk setiap pembayaran cukai sebanyak 100 gulden. Tenaga kerja hampir sepenuhnya tidak dibayar alias gratis karena unsur paksaan oleh para penguasa bumiputra yang berkolaborasi dengan para penjajah. Perubahan kebijakan ini berhasil baik, dimana 10 tahun kemudian gula dari Jawa mampu mendominasi pasar dunia. Perkembangan berikutnya, beberapa PG mulai bermunculan di Jawa dengan dukungan pembangunan infrastruktur besar-besaran terutama dalam penyediaan sarana irigasi.

Kebangkitan industri gula di Jawa pada masa itu sebenarnya terkait juga dengan perubahan teknologi. Margarete Leidelmeijer dalam studi Doktornya di Universitas Teknologi Eindhoven, Belanda, tahun 1995 menulis disertasi tentang industri gula di Jawa berjudul Van suikermolen tot grootbedrift. Technische vernieuwing in de Java-suikerindustrie in de negentiende eeuw atau dalam terjemahan bebas kira-kira artinya “dari pengolahan gula sederhana ke pabrik-inovasi teknik pada industri gula Jawa abad sembilan belas” (No. 25 dalam seri NEHA 111, Dutch Guilders). Menurut Leidelmeijer, sejak Cultuurstelsel diberlakukan teknologi industri gula Jawa sebagian mengadopsi teknologi pengolahan gula bit di Eropa, salah satunya dengan menggunakan pan masak vacuum. Selain itu, dukungan para insinyur dan peneliti di Belanda yang difasilitasi kantor Kementrian Pemerintahan Kolonial ikut terlibat dalam pengembangan industri gula Jawa. Kontak antara para pelaku industri gula di Jawa dan Eropa saat itu cukup intensif. Mereka saling bertukar informasi tentang teknologi prosesing gula tebu dan gula bit. Industri gula Jawa pada akhirnya berkembang cukup pesat dan bahkan menjadi acuan bagi industri gula tebu dunia lainnya. Inovasi teknologi prosesing gula tebu yang dimulai abad XIX tersebut, kemudian disempurnakan dengan berbagai inovasi teknologi di abad XX hingga saat ini masih bertahan dan dipakai oleh sebagian besar PG Jawa.

Micro air separation System

Advances in providing high aeration levels and intimate contact between bubbles and the dispersed phase have led to a novel separation system, the Micro Air Separation System (MASS). The MASS significantly reduces costs, provides unrivalled separation efficiencies, uses dramatically less chemicals and less space and can perform separation operations previously impossible to achieve using traditional Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) systems.

There are a number of key functional principles DAF systems must adhere to:

High surface area micro bubbles must be formed to maximize effluent separation. The MASS bubble size and surface area can be controlled by varying the back-pressure and the airflow rate. That the micro bubbles are stable and re-active towards the dispersed phase is of key significance.
Increasing the concentration of bubbles maximizes the lift performance. The MASS unit processes all the wastewater flow and air through a pressurized cyclone. The air dissolves and all process flows are intimately mixed in the highly aerated water.
The smaller micro bubbles adhere better to the fragile flocculated particles. The MASS produces micro bubbles that form multiple contacts and because all the process flow is being aerated, superior lift is achieved leading to high sludge concentrations.
The method of pressure control throughout the circuit is paramount for quality bubble production. The MASS is novel in that the dispersion of micro bubbles in the floatation tank is vastly improved due to the method of dissolution down the cyclone chamber.
Features and Benefits
Superior separation of contaminants. Up to 95% reduction in Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS).
Air aspiration straight from the atmosphere. No air blower or compressor required.
Small footprint reduces capital costs.
Minimal maintenance.
Process efficiency improvement. Allows for the capture and reuse of more valuable resource material, while producing water that is cleaner than water generated from competitive systems.
Modular design and ease of scale-up.
Reduced chemical consumption.
More compact sludges.
How does the MASS work?
The MASS system exploits the density difference between two phases primarily by attaching air bubbles to one phase and floating it away for collection. This idea is not new, but the method by which it is achieved using the MASS is set to revolutionize how we think about DAF systems.

The MASS works by dissolving free air from the atmosphere in a cyclone within the unit, which allows up to five times more air to be dissolved than a traditional DAF system. The pressures and forces created ensure intimate mixing of the air and the fluids to be separated, which causes the air to be fully dissolved rather than entrained. The pressures generated within the MASS are up to two times that created in traditional DAF systems thereby, further increasing the amount of air available to strip out suspended solids.

The MASS unit was designed with no moving parts. The fluid spins itself through specially designed channels, and because this is achieved without moving parts, maintenance costs are reduced significantly.

To realize effective effluent separation, it is often necessary to adjust the electro-potential (pH) of the wastewater, in addition to utilizing an air floatation system. It is also possible to use chemicals such as coagulants and flocculants to help create surfaces or structures that can easily attach to the air bubbles. Coagulants are used to bind the particulate matter together and flocculants are used to change the surface tension on the liquid/solid and or liquid/gas interfaces. The combination of all three regimes will almost always bring about separation. However, using the MASS technology, it is usually sufficient to utilize one or two of these regimes and still accomplish a satisfactory result.

(LED) anion/negative ion air purifying lamp

Air-purifying lamp set lighting, purification, energy-saving, is a new technology product. When it lighting, will bring a large amount of negative oxygen ions, while generating trace ozone, spreading to the interior space, kill the virus in indoor air effectively, to achieve the results of air purification.
1) Removing the smoke and dust
2) Killing bacteria and sterilizes
3) Removing peculiar odors
4) Energy-saving more 80% than the ordinary incandescent lamp
5) Purifying the air
6) Be good for our health
7) Promoting the environment .
8) Applications: Offices, homes, hotels, stores, bus stations, train stations, airports, hospitals.ain stations, airports, hospitals, KTV.
1) Voltage 110/220V
2) Frequency 50/60Hz
3) Anion 4×106PCS/cm3
4) Ozone ≤0.05ppm
5) Wattage 1W
6) Color temperature(K) 2700K-6400K
7) Colour Red / Blue / Yellow / Green / White
8) Lamb holder E27 /B22
9)Life time 10,000 hours
Place of Origin:Guangdong in China
Payment Terms:L/C,T/T(Bank Transfer),
Minimum Order:Piece/Pieces 2000
Supply Ability:Piece/Pieces|300000|Month
Package:1pcs in a color box,100 color boxes in a master cartons. packageing size 495*378*210mm
Delivery Time:300000pcs/ month

air tower technology

Typical LNG regasification facilities utilize boil-off gas (a portion of the LNG) to fire heaters in order to regasify the remaining LNG, thus creating nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. NOx is a compound that has been associated with air pollution. Freeport LNG uses a different, patented, system that is designed to draw heat from the air to regasify the LNG. This process involves the use of towers which are similar to cooling towers that are commonly used in many industries. During summers (and much of the spring and fall) along the Texas Gulf Coast, large amounts of heat can be taken from the air with the proper equipment. Freeport LNG designed a tower that utilizes this ambient air temperature. This technology allows Freeport LNG to operate its plant within the Houston-Galveston non-attainment area since the towers don’t emit NOx at all. During cooler weather, when there’s not enough heat in the air, we convert to heaters similar to other LNG terminals. While it will vary from year-to-year, we expect that the warming tower can be used for up to eight months of a year. In summer, when ozone and NOx levels typically rise in the Houston-Galveston airshed, Freeport LNG’s warming towers won’t contribute to this rise.

christ water technology

Compared with conventional EDI modules, the special hydrodynamic design of the SMH 3000 permits a higher sanitisation flow rate of up to 70 per cent of the ultrapure water output with a pressure drop of 1 bar. The innovative electrodeionisation method of CHRIST fully complies with our responsibility for the environment. Pre-treated water (e.g. of a reverse osmosis stage) flows into the patented SEPTRON® module, where it is continuously deionized.

This is carried out with an electric current, without the need for chemicals and with only a low power consumption. Water enters a chamber which is filled with an ion exchanger. The electrical potential applied to the electrodes causes charged ions, such as sodium and chloride, to pass through the ion exchange membrane into a concentrate chamber, from which they are discarded. The ion exchanger inside the SEPTRON® module reduces the electrical resistance, which means that the power needed to achieve the desired deionisation is also low.

This method permits the removal of ionic components out of the water without increasing the total amount of salt (from the viewpoint of the entire process).

SEPTRON® Modules are available for 500, 1'000 and 3'000 l/h as SM series for cold water applications and as SMH-series for hot-water sanitisation.

water technology

For one water treatment supplier, 2008 turning out to be a very busy year, despite the downbeat economic forecasts.

Siemens Water Technology (SWT) has won a number of significant water treatment contracts in the US, including one large technology licensing deal.

The licensing agreement is with CSO Technik to supply and service the Crown sludge disintegration system in the US, Canada, and Mexico. The US patented cell lysing process eliminates digester foaming, increases gas production by up to 30 per cent and reduces solids for disposal by 20 per cent.

The Crown system complements Siemens’ Dystor dual-membrane gas holder system that captures biogas produced by the anaerobic process. The Crown agreement will round out Siemens’ anaerobic digestion product portfolio, making it a leader in the municipal biogas market in North America.

The Crown disintegration system is installed after the sludge thickeners but before the digester. Sludge is first fed into the system’s recirculation tank. It then goes through a homogeniser. The uniform mixture is then pressurised to 175 psi and pumped through a high-speed mixer and into the disintegrator.

As the pressure is relieved, the biosolids cells rupture and release endo- and exo-enzymes and destroy filament-building micro-organisms. The disintegrated sludge is then sent back to the recirculation tank, where the process is repeated before being discharged into the digester.

The Crown system partners with Siemens’ Dystor dual-membrane gas holder system, which maximises gas storage through its geometric shape. The latter’s many operational advantages makes the Crown – Dystor synergy a combination unequalled in the industry, says the company.

The Crown sludge disintegration technology is ideal for a variety of municipal wastewater treatment applications. Existing customers with co-generation facilities can pair the unit with Siemens’ Dystor gas holder system to maximise system potential through increased gas production and storage. The system can also prove beneficial for customers that live in areas with green energy or self-generation tax incentives as well as for municipalities that have other high-volume biogas end-users.

Compared to a competitive physical/chemical cell lysing process, the small footprint Crown process consumes less energy and greatly reduces chemical, equipment, and sludge hauling costs. Pre-fabricated and containerised for fast installation, the Crown process is adaptable to variable loads and improves sludge dewaterability and digester stability. The system also uses equipment that is common to most wastewater treatment plants. The Crown disintegration process is already operational at several wastewater treatment plants worldwide.

A second deal involves a contract to provide secondary clarification systems for the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District’s (MWRD) North Secondary treatment complex improvements project in Denver. The plant upgrade will include twelve 130-foot diameter Tow-Bro clarifier mechanisms for secondary treatment.

The new clarifiers will improve performance over the existing organ pipe type clarifiers – specifically, improved energy dissipation and velocity profile control, improved flocculation, and even sludge withdrawal, particularly important under poor solids settling conditions. The project is scheduled for completion in 2012.

The Robert W Hite Treatment Facility serves a population of approximately 1.6 million in the metropolitan Denver area. Improvements to the North Secondary treatment complex were needed to replace aging clarifier equipment, increase solids and hydraulic loading capacity, and improve overall treatment performance.

The District worked with Carollo Engineers, HydroSims and CPE Services using plant specific settling analysis, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling, and full scale stress testing to determine the best solution to meet the plant’s final clarification requirements. The engineering firm recommended the Tow-Bro clarifier mechanism.

The advantages of the Tow-Bro unit include uniform sludge removal from the secondary clarifier under a wider variety of flow, solids loading, and sludge settling conditions. These advantages provide greater solids and hydraulic loading capacity when compared to the existing hydraulic-removal-type clarifiers. The clarifier design utilises a centre-feed configuration with peripheral effluent launders. Flow enters the clarifier through a specially designed maze type energy dissipating inlet (EDI). The specific configuration of the maze EDI was designed with the assistance of CFD modelling to determine optimal dimensions.

After initial energy dissipation, solids are flocculated and settle to the tank floor where they are removed uniformly by the Tow-Bro unitube header. Concentrated settled sludge is returned to the aeration basin from the clarifier. Clarified effluent flows into an inboard launder and exits the tank. Scum is removed via a ducking skimmer assembly. The treated water then flows to the Metro District’s disinfection facilities for further treatment prior to discharge into the South Platte River.

The new clarifier mechanisms will be installed in multiple phases over the next three years. To minimise the impact of construction on plant capacity, Garney Construction of Littleton, Colorado, will replace three of the 12 clarifiers at a time. The existing clarifiers will remain online until they are replaced with the new Tow-Bro mechanisms.

A third contract is for the delivery of five IPS composting system agitators to the Burlington County, New Jersey Board of chosen freeholders, as part of an upgrade to the county’s ten-year-old composting plant.

The plant supports the county’s biosolids composting and beneficial use programme for 14 municipal wastewater treatment plants.

The new IPS equipment will replace the plant’s existing ten-year-old Siemens’ composting agitators. Two agitators will be delivered this year, with the other three installed in early 2009. This schedule will allow the capital cost to be spread out for two fiscal years, and the entire order delivered within the shortest time frame so as not to impede plant operations.

The IPS composting system is an enclosed in-vessel, agitated, aerated, automated composting process with biofiltration odor control. It transforms dewatered biosolids, municipal solid waste and source-separated organics (SSOs) into high-quality compost products. The system also stabilises residual waste in mechanical biological treatment.

At Burlington County, Siemens conducted on-site composting system studies to help determine the best plan for implementing the upgrade while meeting the county’s budget. The company also worked with its suppliers to meet the challenge of a relatively tight timeline. The new IPS equipment will allow the county to continue its success managing biosolids from the wastewater treatment plants, thus providing beneficial use of the compost product and reducing greenhouse gases to the environment.

SWT also announced in August that it is to provide Meriden in Connecticut with second supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, valued at US$1.3 million.

The city’s latest system, to be installed as part of an upgrade at its 11.6 million gallons/day water pollution control facility, will be compatible with the SCADA system supplied by Siemens to Meriden’s water division facilities in 2002.

Once the new SCADA system comes online in early 2010, it will allow the city to control and monitor 1550 process-related database points, make informed decisions regarding the operation of the pollution control facility, and optimise process operations. This, in turn, will improve the facility’s effluent.

Siemens’ scope of supply includes SCADA system hardware and software application engineering, facility-wide instrumentation and controls loop drawing documentation, and project management coordination. SCADA system factory staging and testing will be included as part of the contract, as well as a formal customer/city factory witness test.

Field service support will include onsite installation supervision, field readiness testing, system start-up and commissioning and a formal customer/city test for final SCADA system acceptance. Siemens will also provide Meriden’s operations and maintenance personnel with onsite formal training in the use, maintenance and troubleshooting of the pollution control facility’s new SCADA system.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

solar laptop charging bag

Finally, a solar bag powerful enough to charge a laptop!

Introducing a true milestone: the first solar bag powerful enough to charge a laptop computer. Its high-efficiency PV cells maximize solar input to generate up to 17 watts and enough power to fully charge a typical laptop after a day in direct sun. A custom battery automatically outputs the proper voltages and charges cell phones and other handhelds, too. Includes common adapters for connecting laptops and electronics, or charge your gear via their USB cables or 12V adapters. A padded, internal aluminum frame and ultra-tough, water-resistant, 600- denier fabric — made from 100% recycled soda bottles — carry and protect up to a 17" MacBook. 12"H x 17"W x 3½"D. 4.5 lbs. China.

Monday, May 18, 2009

motor shield

Here’s an interesting RocketShield, that will protect you from rain on your bad weather commutes. Personally, I would never spend money on something like this but there’s should be plenty people who might be in need of this. For the record, this shield does seem to have aero-dynamic effects so you don’t have to crouch down going at higher speeds. Maybe the racers me ...

As a biker, I couldn’t resist posting this cool Uno, a uni-cycle that can balance itself. I must have missed it when it first came out but here it is. The UNO, built by Ben Gulak, is essentially a 120-pound electric unicycle that balances itself with gyros and is capable of reaching 40MPH. The inventor initially began the project himself, but contacted robotics expert Trevor Bla ...